Uus Ranna and Lõuna Ranna commercial and industrial land
Uus Ranna and Lõuna Ranna commercial and industrial land is comprised of 5 commercial and industrial properties on Harku tee ranging in size from ca 3000 m2- 4000 m2 based on the approved detail plan. All properties are registered in the Land Registry. These properties are serviced for water and sewage. Detailpleering Uus- Ja Lõuna
Uus Ranna and Lõuna Ranna residential area
Uus Ranna and Lõuna Ranna residential area is a 3.6 hectare development approved for the construction of 4 multi family buildings totalling 78 units plus 4 rowhouses with a total of 24 units. This development includes land appropriated to Harku Parish for the construction of an on site child day care facility. This district is
Maasikmäe is a 13.5 hectare area of land zoned for residential development still in planning stages. The proposed 30 properties varying in size from 2500-3500 m2 are situated on a steep limestone bank and overlook the Gulf of Finland. The estimated time for final approval is 2019-2020. Detailplanning MaasikmaeESKIISv2.0.pdf
Ranna tee 2
Rannatee 2. This 9000m2 property has municipally approved plans that allow for the construction of a 10 000 m2 three storey commercial building plus one storey below grade. There is an existing 700m2 two storey commercial building on this site. Detailplanning Ranna tee 2 vaade 2.pdf
Otema Center – Tabasalu keskus
OTEMA CENTRE – (Tabasalu keskus), situated on Klooga Maantee is a proposed mixed use development for residential, commercial, and cultural activities. Final approval for this project is expected in 2017. Detailplanning Tabasalukeskus_PJ_20170330.pdf
North Tabasalu residential area ( Tooma residential area)
North Tabasalu residential area ( Tooma residential area) was a joint venture between three land owners resulting in 40 private properties. AS Karumaa spearheaded the construction of all utility services including street lighting. To date this project is sold out with the majority of properties developed with single familly homes.
Tabasalu tehnopark
Tabasalu Technopark is a development of 12 commercial and industrial properties situated on Alasi tee in Tabasalu ranging in size from ca 5000m2 to 15,000 m2. All properties have full utility services including access roads and street lighting. To date this development is sold out.
Kalda residential area
Kalda residential area is a development of 16 private homes situated on the Tabasalu ridge. Originally undeveloped rural land, all roads and utility services were supplied by AS Karumaa. To date this development is sold out.