Portfolio category: Projektid Töös

Projektid Töös


Maasikmäe is a 13.5 hectare area of land zoned for residential development still in planning stages. The proposed 30 properties varying in size from 2500-3500 m2 are situated on a steep limestone bank and overlook the Gulf of Finland. The estimated time for final approval is 2019-2020. Detailplanning MaasikmaeESKIISv2.0.pdf

Ranna tee 2

Rannatee 2. This 9000m2 property has municipally approved plans that allow for the construction of a 10 000 m2 three storey commercial building plus one storey below grade. There is an existing 700m2 two storey commercial building on this site. Detailplanning Ranna tee 2 vaade 2.pdf

Tabasalu Keskuse AEROFOTO Projekt1

Otema Center – Tabasalu keskus

OTEMA CENTRE – (Tabasalu keskus), situated on Klooga Maantee is a proposed mixed use development for residential, commercial, and cultural activities. Final approval for this project is expected in 2017. Detailplanning Tabasalukeskus_PJ_20170330.pdf